Welcome Observer17,
I think Jesus was referring to how the human race is easily deceived into thinking they are doing the right thing when in fact they are missled into doing wrong.He said that because the Devil is supposed to be the great deceiver. I don't believe in the Devil , but that is the way they thought back then .There is a right way to do something and a wrong way,we just have to find the correct way.
As for who rules the World well in our neck of the woods it's the civil service , they do what the lawmakers tell them to do.In practice the people with the wealth and the establishment tell the lawmakers what rules and regulations are needed.The politicians just go along with the higher echelons of the civil service telling them what they can and can't do.
As for us, it's the mushroom concept ; kept in the dark with plenty of compost chucked at us.
Hope you stick around.